Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
November 18 - December 11, 2016
Kelcie Nicole Duggar - Narrator
Sam Pantalone - Jacob
Robert Kowalewski - Jacob
Kevin Kelly - Potiphar
Julie Penzvalto - Mrs. Potiphar
Elliot Lebediker - Butler
Emily Terry - Baker
Cory A. Markowitz - Pharaoh
Domenic Farinelli - Reuben
Jordan Powell - Simeon
Deepak Sharma - Levi
Matthew Brightbill - Naphtali
Steven Walker - Issachar
Charles Adams - Asher
Beck Saine - Dan
Felix Albino - Zebulun
Louis Johnson II - Gad
Phil Pantalone - Benjamin
Tae Terrell - Judah
Andy Antos - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Amanda Bender - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Asha-Bryanna Brown - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Sara Chapman - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Robin Woods Davis - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Sharron DeCosta - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Albert Foster - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Edward Gale - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Benjamin Gillooly - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Nick Glavan - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Jane Gyorki - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Alana Hensley-Edelman - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Jaye Hill - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Sophie Hull - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Kevin Kelly - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Bryen Kilbane - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Jack Lange - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Elliot Lebediker - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Tricia Lebediker - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Sam Maistros - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Liz Malloy - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Samantha Manoloff - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Rachel Miller - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Elden Mortensen - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Evan Mortensen - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Lisa Mortensen - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
C.C. Pantalone - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Sam Pantalone - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Julie Penzvalto - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Rachel Ploenzke - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Kelsey Rubenking - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Natalie Surdy - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Emily Terry - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Anna Van Farowe - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Rachel Veeneman - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Joseph Weppelman - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Mae Wimbiscus - The Company as Spirit Guides, Angels, Ishmaelites, Waiters, Wives, Guests, Golfers, & Pharaoh's Cour
Bob Navis Jr. - Director
Ben Malkevitch - Music Director
Josh Landis - Choreographer
Perren Hedderson - Co-Technical Director
Josh Padgett - Co-Technical Director
April Rock - Costume Designer
Cameron Caley Michalak - Scenic Designer
Rachel Paul - Properties Master
Michael Stein - Co-Lighting Designer
Tom West - Co-Lighting Designer
Josh Caraballo - Sound Designer
Ryan Wolf - Stage Manager & Assistant Production Manager
Scott Pyle - Assistant Music Director
Chris Holovacs - Assistant Choreographer
Jen Ryan - Wardrobe Supervisor
Isabella Novosel - Wardrobe & Makeup Assistants
Lottie Vaughan - Wardrobe & Makeup Assistants
Jenny Hitmar-Shankland - Charge Scenic Artist
Kathleen Russell - Props Assistant
Maya Corrigan - Scenic & Properties Assistant
Adelisa DeJesus - Scenic & Properties Assistant
Julia Feliz - Scenic & Properties Assistant
Corrine Howery - Scenic & Properties Assistant
Rachel Johanek - Scenic & Properties Assistant
Sierra Kastak - Scenic & Properties Assistant
Jocelyn Perkins - Scenic & Properties Assistant
Ryan Wolf - Light Board Operator
Rylie Elswick - Spotlights
Emma Gyorki - Spotlights
Jean Peracchio - Spotlights
Matt Torok - Sound Board Operator
Francis Collins - Sound Assistant
Alexa Jones - Assistant Stage Manager
Reagan Hernon - Assistant Stage Manager
Allan Stubbs - Assistant Stage Manager
Michele Bender - Child Supervisor
Ben Malkevitch - Conductor & Keyboard 1
Scott Pyle - Keyboard 2
Brian Gutkowski - Drums & Percussion
Sam Kitzler - Guitar
Jeremy Wolfe - Guitar
Zak Thomas - Bass
Susan Dicken - Box Office Manager
Lori Fiorelli - Box Office Assistant
Kim Flaherty - House Manager & Volunteer Coordinator
Sarah Steed - Concessions Manager
Jeff Barbalics - Concessions Manager
Naoh Hrbek - Production Art Designer
Growl Marketing - Playbill Design
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