
Meet the Cast of Urinetown!

Posted September 07, 2016 in Press Releases

Our cast of 40+ 9-15 year olds have been hard at work since August to bring you URINETOWN: the Musical, opening Friday September 16th.

Inspired by the works of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill, Urinetown is an irreverently humorous satire in which no one is safe from scrutiny. In the wake of a catastrophic drought, mega-corporation Urine Good Company has passed laws forbidding private restrooms and requiring payment for the usage of public ones, so as to conserve water. Those who do not pay for "The Privilege to Pee" are sent to a mysteriously ominous place known only as Urinetown. Praised for reinvigorating the very notion of what a musical could be, Urinetown is a show brimming with wickedly modern wit, and a sustained ability to produce gales of unbridled laughter!

Meet the Cast!

The Cast of Urinetown

Cast List (in alphabetical order):

Felix Albino (Hot Blades Harry), Morgan Alten, Andy Antos, Justice Artis, Delia Brennan (Penelope Pennywise), Kylie Colvin, Kierstan Conway (Josephine "Ma" Strong), Josh Davis (Officer Barrel), Adelisa DeJesus, Zoe Douglas (Hope Cladwell), Rylie Elswick (Joseph "Old Man" Strong), Giles Foster, Drew Gibson (Tiny Tom), Dylan Grosh-Hoy (Officer Lockstock), Julia Gutia, Emma Gyorki, Zoe Hess, Hannah Horton, Corinne Howery, CJ Jorgensen (Mr. McQueen), Nate Jorgensen (Caldwell B. Cladwell), Bryen Kilbane, Ste-vee Lang, Jack Lange, Samantha Manoloff, Chloe Mihelich, Joshua Mink, Elden Mortensen, Evan Mortensen, Ella Nosse, Isabella Novosel, Sophie O'Leary (Little Sally), Finn O'Malia, Diamond Rhodes, Alex Schwartz, Lola Seoane, Ian Stewart (Senator Fipp), Cole Tarantowski (Bobby Strong),Tannayia Thomas (Soupy Sue), Dashiell Tidrick, Morgan Williams, and Ally Yellets (Little Becky Two Shoes).

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